Rakata Animation and Software Demonstration
Sales tools and promotional material.
Client: Rakata
Type of Project: Software Demonstration and Animation
Rakata reached out to us to create some promotional content for them with the aim to help advertise and sell their new Agri-ERP platform.
After our initial consultation, we came up with a Software Demonstration and Animation concept that we thought would best deliver what they required.
We created the Software Demonstration and Animation video on time and exceeded all their expectations. By using animation in a more creative form Rakata’s video could leave a memorable impression to current and potential new customers. It can also be used as a sales tool to pitch to potential new clients.
We believe that a good story and visuals are key to reaching your customers. Businesses can give further insight into their purposes, values and intentions. Consequently, giving your customers a clearer understanding of who you are as a business, what you stand for and how you can help customers.
Software Demonstration and Animation video enables you to pitch perfect everytime. You clients will reviece the perfect amount of information and promotional material that they need to make a decision about your product offering.
This is absolutely brilliant, we all love it. Thank you for all the hard work that you have put into this and the fast turn around, amazing.